Our Last Day Of School

6th April, 2000 was our last normal school day in our Secondary School life. All of us were feeling both sad and happy. Sad because this day was our last day of school, and we might not be able to study, learn and play again. Happy because all of us were enjoying taking photos with our classmates and teachers and exchanging autograph.

Here are some photos :
Time: 8:20am-12:00noon
Venue: 5AS classroom or school playground

whole class with Mr. Chui ( our Maths and A-maths teacher)

Top left: Ways, Alice, Christine
Bottom left: Karen, Amy, Clara, Juliana, Annie, Bonnie, Wendy, Joanna, Maggie

From left: Mr. Ho ( our physics teacher), Maggie, Juliana, Cindy, Patricia, Vivieen, Assunta

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Produced by: Juliana Chan  Finished on: 14thNovember,1999  Last updated on:14¸<th

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