SPSS F.5AS's Memorial Hompage

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Hi, welcome to our first homepage. In this homepage you can learn about our class, our class members, our teachers, our achievements...........

We hope you will enjoy visiting our homepage and also please sign the guest book before you leave. 

Here are some activities of our class:

Sports Day (final) 4/11

The annaul singing contest (semi-final and final) 30/11,17/12

School Picnic 20/12

Christmas celebration 22/12

Faculty Day 25/1

Jump Off Day 13/3-22/3

F.5's Last Day of School 6/4

Updated!Graduation dinner 6/7

Speech Day

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Hot links

SPSS's Computer clubSPSS's homepageMaths and A-Maths Homepage

Our Class Class photos Contact list
Achievements Messages Updated!Guest book Chat room

Produced by: Juliana Chan  Finished on: 14thNovember,1999  Last updated on:7thSept,2000 

This homepage is best viewed in Netscape.